About Us
About us
We have some of the most beautiful beaches here in Australia and we are known to be an enthusiastic, competitive sporting nation. Therefore beach hockey is a perfect fit for our way of life and an exciting addition to the sports already enjoyed on our sandy beaches. Beach hockey is a simple game to learn and great for casual one off tournaments.
Make it Happen
Beach hockey is played in teams of five, on sand at the beach, although the game can also be played on river banks and even grass. Sunshine, music and the lapping waves provide an amazing atmosphere. Beach hockey uses modified sticks and a soft ball. Players have bare feet and there is no need to wear shinguards.
Our History
Beach hockey was introduced to Australia in Port Douglas, Far North Queensland, Australia in 2021. The initial tournament had ten junior and ten adult teams playing from local and regional areas in 2021. This is an annual event held in October. In 2022 we doubled the amount of players with the addition of a second pitch. This unique sporting experience attracts lots of community and corporate interest every year.